The sun and the warm weather have finally arrived after the long stints of rain, snow, and just overall dark, dreary days. It is important that you take this time to recharge your body’s batteries by getting outside and enjoying the weather. Not only is it fun to be outside in this weather, it is actually biologically important to keep hormones levels in check.
Most people get to the point where they just want the cold and dark days to go away. Feeling tired, sluggish, and depressed is a normal occurrence during this time. The lack of Vitamin D our bodies naturally soaks up from sunlight can be partially supplemented by certain foods or pills; however, the power of sunlight cannot be underestimated. Our bodies register dark days as an attempt at sleep, and therefore, it releases melatonin, the natural hormone for sleep. What this does is it causes us to feel tired and/or sluggish. No matter how much Vitamin D you are eating to supplement the sunlight, you will often still feel the effects of the melatonin after long periods of sunless days.
This past weekend was a perfect example for a time for us to get out from behind the computer or TV to get outside. Soaking in the sun causes our bodies to secrete the opposite of the sleep hormone, serotonin. Serotonin, the feel good hormone, naturally lifts our mood and allows us to brave the next rainy period until sunlight. So don’t get complacent inside playing video games or watching TV. Get outside, exercise, be active, and be happy!
By: Matt Nanne- AIT Contributor